Basic Information:
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willdenow), is one of the species domesticated and cultivated in Peru since pre-Hispanic times (more than five thousand years). The Lake Titicaca basin is the area considered the main center of origin of the quinoa and the center of conservation of the greatest biological diversity of this species. Complete superfood that provides essential vitamins, minerals and fibers that help regulate the digestive system and keep you satisfied. To the Grainper family we are glad to offer you this millenary superfood.
INKA GOLDEN GRAIN is committed to giving you the best in superfoods.
A grain of high nutritional value, it has proteins, unsaturated fa¢y acids and minerals. Contiene Quercetina y Kaempferol
Thanks to its fiber content, higher than 6% per cent of the grain’s weight, it favors the intestinal transit, the development of Beneficial bacteria and helps to prevent colon cancer.
Rich in fiber
Prevents cardiovascular problems by controlling the level of cholesterol.
High and Essential in Amino Acids
Has a Low Level of Glucose
Natural anti-stress
Helps reduce migraines