Basic information:
Mighty most frequent ecotype of this superfood , making up about 60% of the annual harvest. Yellow Maca root powder is a beloved part of life in the high Andes. Grown in the Andes at elevations above 14000 feet and in extreme cold, wind and sunlight, Maca is the world’s highest growing crop Yellow Maca is nutrient dense with 60% carbohydrates, 12 crucial minerals, 10 vitamins, over 40 fatty and amino acids and 4 unique glucosinolates – a true superfood.
INKA GOLDEN GRAIN is committed to giving you the best in superfoods.
Yellow Maca is indeed a nutritional powerhouse, containing nearly all essential amino acids and free fatty acids, significant levels of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, and C, minerals iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium, a high concentration of bio-available protein and nutrients unique to Maca called macaenes and macamides.
Ability to increase fertility
Promoter of good mood in men and women
This variety is known as the “natural Viagra” because it has an immediate effect to create long-lasting libido
Gluten free food, appropriate for celiac disease patients.